Age-Specific Success Rates after egg freezing


In 2013, Oktay et al published a paper in Fertility and Sterility journal showing the success rates of egg freezing according to the women’s age when the eggs were retrieved, and  according the method used for freeze them. It is interesting that they found information from more than 1,800 patients, and women over 40 years old got pregnancies too (of course, less than younger women). The authors say that given the success probabilities, they suggest that policy makers should consider oocyte freezing as an integral part of prevention and treatment of infertility.

And I agree. Oocyte freezing is a technique that is increasingly used. More and more women come to our clinic asking for this option as a way of preserving their fertility and to have the option in the future to use their own eggs. Of course, the earlier that the eggs are frozen, the highest the chances to have a pregnancy are. Not only more oocytes are usually retrieved in younger women but also better quality eggs are found.

On the other hand, choosing the right program to freeze eggs is important. Nowadays, vitrification is widely accepted as the best technique to freeze eggs. I have recently written a systematic review that will be shortly published at the Cochrane Collaboration. It shows the scarce but robust evidence about the importance of using vitrification. Therefore, choosing the right program with the right doctor for the ovarian stimulation are important issues.

The previously mentioned study published a graphic (see the picture in this publication) that shows the success rate for each age, depending on the number of eggs to be thawed. This is an important chart that helps counseling our patients when they come to ask about egg freezing.

In summary, egg freezing is established as a routine practice. We, doctors, have to talk more about it to inform the society about its existence and the benefits of doing it at young ages. That is our responsibility: doctors’ responsibility.

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Dr. Demián Glujovsky in CEGYR Buenos Aires
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